
I took part in Pete's Fat Loss group for the first time in January and February. Although I exercise regularly, I haven't ever properly tracked my calories/activity etc. I thought it was going to be a real effort, take lots of time and make me think about food even more, but Pete makes it really easy.....

  1. He sets up a spreadsheet and logs your starting figures in for you.
  2. I just need to log my daily info (calories in & out, steps, water, sleep & sessions) which is only a 2 minute job.
  3. You have to be accountable and submit your stats at the end of the week.
  4. He updates your targets depending on your fortnightly weigh-ins.

In addition to Pete's support, the Whatsapp Group he sets up specifically for the FL group is another great source of support, advice and recipes.

Being accountable has really helped me focus.....and made me realise what bad habits I had got into!

It also doesn't mean that you can't enjoy yourself - you can still go out, eat good food and have a drink or two! It just means you need to balance that with good days over the week too.

In my first 2 months, I have achieved the following:

  • Lost 4.4 kg (9.68lbs)
  • Body fat reduced by 2.2%
  • 1.75 inches off my waist
  • 2 inches off my hips

I have even signed up for the next 2 months to help keep me on track.

If you need a bit of a nudge and some focus to help you lose the fat, I would definitely recommend signing up!


Health, Testimonial, The Fox Den, wokingham, Wokingham gym

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