

Each Tuesday we will be showing a Client Testimonial about what it’s like to train at The Fox Den and how it affects their life.


Before I started to train at the Den, I was ok, I was training regularly and was not overweight.

I chose the Fox Den because I liked Pete’s approach and encouragement. He listens to any concerns and helps with technique so that I’m progressing towards improved strength and mobility.

If I can’t do something Pete either gives me a different exercise to do or shows me how to adapt so that I can gradually improve to where I need to be.

The Fox Den is a great place to train – a lot of equipment and everyone is really friendly and supportive. That doesn’t mean that we don’t take the piss out of each other because we definitely do but it’s all good-humored and no one is at all precious.

It’s given me a sense of belonging that I’ve never had in a gym before (and I’ve trained on and off for over 35 years). It’s a place of encouragement and fun, somewhere where it’s ok to be exactly how you feel today (however that might be), it’s the place I go to most often in my life.

One thing I have been able to achieve whilst training at the Den is understanding myself – my strengths and weaknesses, what I’m really prepared to do, and what I’m not. I’ve finally, finally worked out that this is for the long haul, and whilst it might be good to do a transformation, changing habits and building strength over a longer time is much more rewarding and sustainable.

3 words to describe the Den – Supportive, Fun, Sweary (a lot!!!)


fitness, Health, Testimonial, Wokingham gym

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