Are You Ready To Be You Again?
Are you a constant dieter, or someone that continues to yoyo diet?
Are you inclined to put weight on, take it off over and over again?
Have you done Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Lighter Life, and other diets; have these worked in the short term but not in the long term?
Do you look at yourself in the mirror and feel unhappy with what you see? Do you want to be better?
Do you feel bleurggh and are you constantly lethargic?
Do you come home from work knackered or even get up in the morning knackered before work?
Are you lacking the energy to play with the kids or grandkids?
Lots of questions, I know, but if you answered yes to any of them then maybe now is the right time for you to talk to us. We can help you look, feel and perform better.
Life is for enjoying, not for constantly having to fight illness and feeling crap, you have one shot in this body so make the best of it, You deserve to be better for yourself, your kids, and your grandkids.
Tell yourself you deserve to be Brilliant!
Learn From Someone That Gives A Shit
Who the hell is Pete?
I have seen what can happen to you if you live a life with crap nutrition, the effects it has on the body, the health issues you can get by being overweight.
I’ve been there, lived through having a really shit diet, and no doubt if I continued as I got older I would have experienced a lot of the crap that comes along with it.
In the past, I have been the person who sat there and whose breakfast consisted of 2 pro plus, a ciggie or two, and a can of Lucozade just to get through the morning.
That was me for ages.
The heaviest I’ve been is only a stone and half heavier than where I am now, but I was also a good 14% body fat more than I am now.
You can’t out-train a crap diet and that is so true. So I turned myself around, it wasn’t easy and it hasn’t been a quick fix but the benefits I have now are so much more than I could have ever imagined.
Having learned that mindset is about 70% of your training and this is what I try to work on with clients. I had to teach myself to be positive, to be resilient, and have some self-belief – it’s not impossible…….I understand this now! You need to learn to love yourself a bit.
I don’t think I will ever stop learning about the body and how it is affected by what you put in it, what you do with it, and what you surround yourself with.
It is a fascinating subject and that is one of the reasons why I love doing what I’m doing. I want people to enjoy their workout – I mean it's not easy, but let’s smile whilst we do that. I see people changing, not just physically but mentally too and this makes me a happy human.
I continue to learn, I have a mentor who makes me better, I go on courses, read and more importantly implement what I learn. My own physical health is important, I take part in OCR races and have taken part in both the worlds and euros recently. I still have things I want to achieve within that sector and this continues to drive me on. So what do I do outside of training and coaching? Well, apart from playing at being dad and husband I do like a gig or two and a movie, those of you within the ‘inner circle’ will know this.
I’ve had to learn to switch off, so having a family life and interests outside of my work is important to me. I have a little plaque to remind me of this; ‘Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life’.
We Keep It Simple Meaning You Achieve What You Want
What's stopping you becoming the person you deserve to be?
Success Stories
“I feel much fitter and healthier”
“Amazingly Last year I couldn’t do hardly any exercise due to injury, but Pete accommodated my programme to build my strength back and build other areas I previously wouldn’t have focused on, allowing me to feel much fitter and healthier.
There are also lots of supporting information on diet, nutrition and mental health which also aids to the overall programme. With the challenges of Lockdown, The Fox Den has allowed me to continue my training through Zoom which has literally kept me going every day. The flexibility of the classes as well as the U Tube videos inspires me to continue my training. Skiing is a passion of mine and previously struggled with fitness so looking forward to trying again with my improved overall fitness.”
“I can do far more with this rather tired and knackered old body than I thought I would be able to.”
“This is the first gym I have joined that I genuinely look forward to attending and that has given me the confidence that it's not a transitory fad that I will end up dropping.
Since joining the Fox Den I have pushed myself physically in ways that I have never done before when managing my own workout at do-it-yourself gyms. I'm finding that I can do far more with this rather tired and knackered old body than I thought I would be able to.”