
I’m Andy, I love nature, physical activities, and anything creative, I co-parent two beautiful daughters, and to pay the bills I run a small financial advice practice.


Before finding my physical and mental 2nd home at The Fox Den, I wandered aimlessly through the badlands of general nonactivity.


I had stopped doing insanity on Oct 18 then after that some sporadic MTB which was always painful and dog walking, not a lot but some, then I started mixed netball in Sept 19 and have been doing that ever since.


One thing I’ve learned about this fitness journey is How happy it makes me and how that then filters into every aspect of my life.


I would still like to do Less work so more time for mountain biking, open water swimming, walking/hiking and creative stuff like playing music/singing, drawing/painting and making stuff.


The Self-control I’ve learned excites me as from that control comes calmness and happiness, enough to share.


My future plans are to Just keep doing what I’m doing as I’m really happy.


My Favourite exercise, Sorry I’ve got two… bench press just from the fact of the strength and focus required. Squats and all the many variants as this used to be my least favourite but now I feel the strength and flexibility it has given me.


My least favourite, I don’t think I have one anymore… but even if I did I wouldn’t tell you as I feel I may start getting more of them in my sets… you know all that “fun” stuff and all that…lol


One piece of advice I can give is to Enjoy your journey, stay positive and listen to Pete.


fitness, Health, member spotlight, Testimonial, wokingham, Wokingham gym

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