
Before Joining The Fox Den my fitness levels were average.


I had been attending boot camp type classes and was a member of a big impersonal gym.


I saw a post on social media that resonated with me and was lucky enough to win a prize to train at the gym for a year…. that was 2 and a half years ago and Pete hasn’t been able to get rid of me since!


I’d barely lifted a weight in the past and was always a little bit scared to go into the weights room with the grunting folk.


Now I love a weight and a punchbag is my friend!


What is it like to train at The Fox Den, it’s Bloody Brilliant!


Pete is encouraging and supportive in his coaching as are the members. It’s inclusive and not intimidating at all and most importantly I laugh a lot – when I’m not struggling to breathe…


It’s one of the things I missed most during the lockdown.


Oh, and there is the occasional appearance of a cute dog!


Training at The Fox Den has become an important part of my self-care!


Training at the gym not only helps me feel stronger physically but also mentally


One thing I’ve achieved is those pull up thingys whilst hanging from a bar! (Hanging knee Raises)


It took me weeks to have a word with myself to let go! (I can vouch for that – Pete)


3 Words to describe The Fox Den – A Good Place


fitness, groupfitness, Health, personaltrainer, Testimonial, The Fox Den

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