For the past year, I have been studying, taking time to increase my knowledge in nutrition, and becoming more evidence-based, using scientific research to understand what is best for people.
I did it through Mac Nutrition Uni or MNU as it is known in those circles.
I’m glad to say though I passed, I did think I had properly fucked it up but I did pull through and am now a MNU Certified Nutritionist. It was a level 5 in applied nutritional science.
So, it seems that I know some shit about Nutrition and stuff.
Anyway, I’m writing this not just to blow my own trumpet but also to talk to you about how this can relate to your own fitness or health journey.
I had wanted to take this course for a few years, but it just wasn’t the right time. When it opened up, it meant I had to make a few things non-negotiable in my life.
I had to set aside times in the week for
- The Lectures
- Homework
- Reading
This had to happen otherwise you end up being behind and chasing your own tail, now doing this alongside running your own business, keeping all our current members going with their journey, bringing in new members, etc, and making sure my home life and family are still a priority.
This was it, sitting down and making sure it happened, actually sitting down for lectures, etc, and studying, this was all new, and has been a while since I’ve had to do anything like it.
This was key, keeping on top of things, and then when we got down to the nitty gritty it was tough to hold anything else inside my head.
However, what I am saying here is that I had a target, I knew what my end goal was going to be, I wanted to be that person people come to about their nutrition, that person who can educate others instead of just believing everything you read on the internet.
How does this relate to you?
Simple, if you have a goal you want to get to, whether it’s a training goal or a health goal, you set it and then you work towards it.
Is it going to be easy, fuck no, will you have to make some sacrifices along the way, of course, you will, but it doesn’t matter how long it takes you just keep moving forward with it and keep chipping away.
If you do that, you will get there, there will be times along the way when things don’t go to plan, in this case when I had to have my hip reconstructed and had to do two weeks’ worth of lectures, etc in one week, so I didn’t fall behind.
You must be strict with yourself and do what you need to do to get there.
You also need to have a supportive network of people around you who understand what and why you are doing what you are doing.
If you have that, that makes life easier, it doesn’t make the process easier but it does help.
So, there you go, if you need help along your way then make sure you have someone in your corner to help keep you on track.
Do that and you will get there.
Remember, no matter what it is you are looking at doing it is never a sprint, it will always take time.