The Fuck this shit moment.
We all have them in our lives.
What is it?
Well, it’s generally that moment where we decide to make that change and actually do everything we can to make it happen.
It is when we are 100% ready and willing to change.
Mostly because we cannot continue doing what we are doing and existing where we are.
This is the time where the pain of where you currently are is more than the pain of actually making that change.
If we are relatively pain free where we are and want to change but actually changing is a lot of work or pain then we won’t do it, all we end up doing is setting us ourselves for failure.
I’ve had many in my time, all these moments have brought me to this spot in my life.
The one where I had enough of traveling to see my son and spending more time in the car than anyone needs too, this caused me to say fuck this shit, leave my previous job, move towns and set up this.
Various other times in my life with relationships etc where I couldn’t go on with what was happening and had to change.
My own health, deciding that I liked being around and certainly not wanting to have the same health
issues other members of my family have.
What was your fuck this shit moment?
I asked my members what theirs were and these are some of the answers, here are some of the
The medium cycling shirt from my brother that was too tight!
Being in a job where my boss got to shout and swear and me and thought is was ok… Fuck this
shit I’m out here and started my own small business!!
I must have been 27/28 and my Chronic Pain had me using a walking stick every day and taking high dosage of not very nice meds. I was approaching 30 and thought Fuck this Shit and decided to go med free through the support of The Pain Toolkit. I threw away the walking stick I had become so dependent on and tried to get healthy. I changed my job, tried some sports, Hockey (I was clinging onto that stick!) and Netball and a general gym, but I couldn't do it. I lost 5 stone via a fad diet that shall not be named! But realised the key to my health was my strength so joined The Fox Den. I've taken a few giant leaps backwards since COVID due to poor mental health and relationships with food but I know I am on the right path and I say Fuck this Shit again now. Even if it does mean crying on the floor of the gym (sorry for all who have to see it!).
Freshly divorced left North Wales and moved to London with 20 month old baby, knowing only one person because I wanted to have some fun!!!
Got married young and quickly (no, not pregnant). Turned to be a lazy, feckless eejit (him, not me). The only contribution he made to domestic chores was the washing up. You cam imagine my deep joy when he then bought me a dishwasher for Christmas..... Fuck This Shit and straight to a divorce lawyer. Footnote - then found he couldn't pay for it so I had to. Regrets? Paying for the dishwasher.
The by then ex-husband had a Best Friend. I fought very hard not to be anything other than his pal. Even after splitting with husband, which meant I was a free agent, still said no as his wife was lovely and she was a mate too. Then she told me that she was having an affair. Fuck This Shit and bring it on!! Regrets? I should I'm very sorry because it got messy and people but hurt. But I'm not. It was a bloody brilliant relationship.
I had a great job, liked the work, money was good, and the car was my favourite thing on the planet. Downside was a very toxic blame culture and the fact that I hate having to do everything by set rules, times etc. One wet January evening I was stuck in yet another traffic jam in Walworth (Google it, I don’t think it's pretty even now) and worked out that if I didn't do that commute 5 days a week to spend 10 hrs every day covering my back, I'd have the equivalent of a full day a week to do stuff I might actually like. Fuck This Shit resigned a few weeks later with only a vague clue about working for myself doing something. Regrets? Having to give the car back...
You see, sometimes we have to hit rock bottom and get to the point where just cannot go on, then and only then can we make that change.
It doesn’t matter what it is for, health, relationships to make that change we need to be able to say fuck this shit, I’m done and move on.
No one has any bad regrets about making that change. It always turns into a positive experience, is it easy to make that change, nope of course not, but is it worth it?
Fuck yes!
Whatever it is, believe in yourself and remember one thing, you are indeed worth it and deserve better.