The Olympics starts today and I personally cannot wait, we will have it on in the gym and I just love it.
Watching the athletes compete for that gold medal but every single one of them that has achieved just getting there is a winner in my view.
Now, what I would like to see is the country that is hosting it, all residents of that country go into a draw and a bit like jury duty you get called up to compete alongside the top athletes in the world.
Mostly so you can really appreciate how fucking good these people are, obviously the contact sports might not be an idea but sticking fred from the rising sun alongside the 100m sprinters then I am all for it.
Anyway, I digress, that isn’t what this is about.
What this is about is that it takes these Athletes 4 years to get to the Olympics, 4 years of dedication and training.
Yes, there is the World Champs, European Champs, and various other competitions along the way, but this is the Olympics the one they all want.
They train and are focused for 4 years to get there for some just to run 9.8 seconds.
So, ask yourself when you are on a health journey, trying to lose weight and starting to train, why do you end up giving up?
We tend to give up too easily because we haven’t had the instant results that we wanted.
I mean you spent a good few years getting into the condition you are in, how the hell do you think changing that in 6 weeks is going to happen.
Yes, you can lose weight in that time.
Yes, you can lift heavy shit in that time.
But are you going to change everything in that time?
Probably not, not on a sustainable level.
So, remember to take your time to get to where you want to go.
Be realistic with what you want to get out of it in the next month.
But must important.
If you have a goal.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes to get there, you just keep going.
Keep motivated to keep moving forward.
Keep reminding yourself why you are doing it.
Sometimes you just need accountability in doing things, I have a coach who keeps me going. I have something that I am working on and I have a mentor that is keeping me accountable to get the shit done.
So, if you feel you need some accountability then drop us a message, it doesn’t matter where you are, we can move the Fox Den online.